A Hyper Awareness Of Your Hyperpigmentation

Hyperpigmentation is complicated. A lot of the time, women struggle to identify and label it. Essentially, hyperpigmentation is an incredibly common condition that makes certain parts of the skin darker than others. To break it down further: “hyper” means more, and “pigment” means colour. So if you’re dealing with Melasma, ,age spots, sun spots, liver spots, etc, you’re dealing with hyperpigmentation. Now that you can name it, you can fight it. Like we love to say: you are naturally beautiful, but feeling confident makes you radiant! If you’re looking for help with your hyperpigmentation, read on, and learn about the benefits and care Bare Ur Beauty can provide. If you’re interested in learning more, you’re always welcome to book a consultation with us.

Secret RF Microneedling

RF Microneedling delivers fractional radio frequency energy to all layers of the skin. Safe and effective, this treatment is suitable for all skin types. It works like this: microneedles penetrate the skin, including the deeper layers, where the treatment is most beneficial. This differentiates it from other treatments, which often only deposit energy in the upper layers of the skin. Delivering RF below the surface revitalizes and regenerates the tissue. This unique delivery of energy produces optimal results with little to no damage to the skin. As well as treating scarring, DescriptioSecret RF improves aging skin, photo damage, fine lines and wrinkles on the face and neck, Melasma, and overall skin quality.

C02 Laser

If you’re seeking treatment for hyperpigmentation, C02 fractional laser resurfacing may be the appropriate route to take. Using a high-powered laser scanner, this process provides consistent energy in brief, consistent waves. The thermal effect helps to regenerate collagen supply, resulting in bouncy, supple, younger-looking skin. In addition to hyperpigmentation, this treatment is especially effective on fine wrinkles, age scarring, uneven skin tone/texture, sun-damaged skin, and lax skin.


Collagen induction is the name of the game when it comes to microneedling. Essentially, microneedling is a minimally invasive procedure that involves using thin needles to create tiny holes in the top layer of the face. As a result, your body goes into healing mode. Stimulating your skin’s healing process encourages and quickens its production of collagen and elastin, the proteins that keep your skin firm and smooth. Firmer, smoother skin reduces the appearance of wrinkles, scars, stretch marks and other signs of aging. We recommend a minimum of three sessions for optimal results. Each session comes with LED light therapy.


A photofacial is a laser rejuvenation therapy that stimulates collagen production and treats skin discolouration. The procedure utilizes intense pulse light (IPL) and penetrates deep into the skin. Taking only 45 minutes, discomfort is limited during the procedure. Photofacials are effective at treating scarring, small veins, brown spots, and sun damage.

At Bare Ur Beauty, we use Cutera Limelight. This IPL treatment is customizable to different skin tones. During the treatment, the blood vessels below the epidermis constrict, ultimately reducing redness and age lines. Any redness or swelling that may occur after the treatment is completely normal and will dissipate shortly afterward.

Laser Genesis

Helpful when treating hyperpigmentation, Laser Genesis is a non-ablative, Nd: YAG 1064nm laser used to treat the dermis – the middle layer of skin. It works by penetrating the top layer of skin and delivering thousands of micro-pulses of light to the dermis. These micro-pulses heat up the dermis, and the warming action shrinks blood vessels, breaks down scar tissue and stimulates collagen production. Laser Genesis leaves your skin free of scars, broken blood vessels and redness, with the added benefit of naturally increased collagen production.

Increased collagen means a firmer, more youthful face with fewer fine lines and wrinkles.


The CUTERA® Titan is an FDA-approved, non-invasive laser facelift technology that uses a unique light source to stimulate collagen growth and tighten facial laxity to give you an all-natural and noticeably younger looking appearance. Sagging skin is inevitable, and age spots are common. We all lose collagen with age, so stimulating its production is a huge factor when it comes to regenerating a youthful look. Add volume, bounce, and firmness back to your face, and combat hyperpigmentation with this unique approach.

DMK Alkaline Wash

While not suitable for all skin types, an Alkaline Wash works to resolve difficult skin conditions. The DMK system of pH Revision is an exclusive and unique range of treatments which take the pH of the skin to the alkaline end of the pH scale. It acts to dissolve and desquamate, treating difficult conditions such as hyperpigmentation, wrinkles, scars, razor bumps, acne and unwanted hair, and stretch marks.

Working similarly to a chemical peel, an Alkaline Wash is designed to abort the surface epidermal cells of the skin, dissolve hair, soften tissue and assist in excreting dead and dying cells. What you won’t be getting? The discomfort and trauma that often goes along with the controlled burn of a typical chemical peel.

Pro-Alpha Six Layer Peel

The DMK Pro Alpha Six Layer Peel treatment uses a combination of alpha hydroxy acids designed to remove the surface epidermal cells of the skin. In more layman's terms, it works to remove dead skin cells from the surface of the skin and instigates collagen development. Uniquely, this treatment’s strength is adjustable. Therefore, it’s safe for use on all skin types and levels of sensitivity. The Six Layer Peel is ideal for treating wrinkles, light scarring, and uneven skin tone. A free consultation is provided prior to booking your Six Layer Peel.

DMK Enzyme Facials

Like you, your skin is unique. DMK matches your specific biochemistry with the appropriate skin therapy. As a clinically proven treatment, DMK True Oxygen Therapy increases hydration in your tissue and reduces Trans Epidermal Water Loss (TEWL). We offer variations of the treatment based on your personal skin condition and skin consultation. The primary goals of your enzyme treatment are to increase circulation, oxygen, vitamins and micronutrients. DMK will also back-flush cell waste through lymph drainage and ultimately leave behind a healthier, energized tissue using reverse osmosis.


The HydraFacial treatment is a non-invasive treatment that provides instant results. Taking only a half hour, this treatment quickly removes dead skin cells and extracts impurities while simultaneously delivering the skin cleansing, hydrating, and moisturizing serums. It’s safe for all skin types and targets the majority of skin concerns, from fine lines to firmness, tone and vibrancy, congested or large pores, and hyperpigmentation. The treatment finishes off with LED Light Therapy. Bare Ur Beauty offers a few options:

  • Clarifying: includes extended extractions and Blue LED Light therapy for oily, congested skin.

  • Restorative: includes CTGF (connective tissue growth factor) to improve the appearance of tone, texture, and elasticity.

  • Age refinement: reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

  • Radiance: minimizes appearance of dark spots.

Save My Face

The name says it all. Is your face in need of rescue? We’ve got your back. Save My Face is a custom treatment offered to those seeking more confidence in their complexion. No two faces are the same, especially when you’re dealing with a condition like acne, rosacea, discolouration, or premature aging. In 90 minutes, your skin therapist will take your skin through a variety of treatments, combining multiple treatments listed above. This facial is designed to be relaxing, and if you’d prefer, we will put a focus on breathing and clearing energies with smudging.

LED Light Therapy

If your acne is mild to moderate, LED Light Therapy could be the solution you’ve been searching for. Comforting, non-invasive, and effective, LED light stimulates collagen and helps to clear your skin. This 30-minute session is perfectly paired with our more aggressive IPL, laser or micro-needling treatments. Here are the kinds of Light Therapy we use:

Red Light Therapy

  • Generates cellular activity, increasing collagen.

  • Plumps skin, increasing youthful appearance.

  • Minimizes fine lines and wrinkles.

  • Treats sun damage, stretch marks, and, ironically, reduces redness.

Blue Light Therapy

  • Treats sun damage, pre-malignant or malignant skin cancer growths, acne.

  • Improves skin texture and reduces sebaceous hyperplasia or enlarged oil glands.

Infrared Light helps cells regenerate or repair themselves. Infrared light also improves the circulation of oxygen-rich blood in the body, prompting faster healing of deep tissue and relieving pain.

There are so many options for treating your hyperpigmentation. Not sure which to choose? Book a consultation, and we’ll work with you personally to determine the best path for your skin.


Time Travel Is Possible. For Your Skin, At Least.


Why You’re Not Scarred For Life